Fall Tree Sale!
We're celebrating fall with a tree sale. Choose from 9 different types of tree to help support Keep Kingsport Beautiful. Each tree costs $40.
Loved for its vivid fall colors, the Red Maple earns its name with its red flowers in early spring, red twigs of new growth, red fruit and spectacular red leaves in the fall. The Red Maple is quite drought resistant, but will grow in wet areas as well. It tolerates most any soil type. A rapidly growing tree that can add two to three feet of growth each year, it grows to mid-size to large. It makes an excellent shade tree.
The American Sweet Gum, with its star-shaped leaves, neatly compact crown, interesting fruit, and twigs with unique corky growths called wings, is an attractive shade tree. It’s known for its unique star-shaped leaves with outstanding yellow, red, and purple fall color.
A Serviceberry is a genus of about 20 species of deciduous-leaved shrubs and small trees in the rose family. It's native to temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere. The serviceberry is relatively little, some are small trees, others are multi-stemmed and some are shrubs. The bark can be gray or brown and its flowers usually appear in early spring.
This tree is an immense durable tree with a rapid growth rate and expansive root system. It has an upright, pyramidal crown when young and as it matures develops a rounded, irregular form, with a scaffold of large diameter branches. The most unique feature of the sycamore tree is its camouflage-looking bark.
This tree is a deciduous conifer, meaning, it loses its leaves in the fall and new leaves emerge the next spring. It thrives in a range of conditions. Bald cypresses are well-adapted to wet conditions along riverbanks and swamps. They are also found in dry areas and are frequently planted as ornamental trees.
These trees are a popular choice for landscaping due to their attractive bark, fast growth rate, and tolerance of wet soil conditions. They are also a vital source of food and shelter for wildlife such as birds and butterflies.
This tree is frequently planted along streets and in parks and golf courses because of its size, striking appearance, and relatively fast growth.
This is a striking tree with attractive peeling bark, which is especially prevalent on young trees. The lustrous, lobed leaves have a two-tone appearance, dark green on top with a silvery-white underside. Fall color is an orange-gold to yellow in mid-autumn. The swamp white oak is an excellent shade tree for any landscape.
This is one of the faster growing oaks for the home landscape. The leaves are handsome throughout the year, emerging pinkish-red, turning lustrous dark green in summer, and changing to russet-red to bright red in autumn. Its tolerance of salt and air pollution makes it a good tree for more exposed areas.
Keep Kingsport Beautiful
Our Mission:
- To involve the community in responsible solutions for a clean and beautiful environment.
Our Goals:
- Reduce Littering
- Encourage beautification
- Promote recycling and other environmental improvements
- Increase public awareness through education and promotion
- Recognize excellence in environmental and beautification improvements
- Keep KINGSPORT Beautiful is a joint program of the City of Kingsport and the Kingsport Chamber Foundation.
- Since Keep KINGSPORT Beautiful was formed in 1980, the program has won more than 80 national, state and other environmental awards!
- 2021 - No Trash November Winner from Tennessee Department of Transportation
- 2020 - Keep America Beautiful President's Circle Award
- 2019 - Keep Tennessee Beautiful Award of Excellence
- 2018 - Keep America Beautiful Affiliate Sustained Excellence Award
- 2017 – Keep America Beautiful Affiliate Sustained Excellence Award
- 2017 - Tennessee Department of Transportation and Keep Tennessee Beautiful Award of Excellence
- 2016 - Keep America Beautiful Affiliate Sustained Excellence Award
- 2015 - Keep America Beautiful Affiliate of Excellence Award
- 2015 - Tennessee Department of Transportation and Keep Tennessee Beautiful Award of Excellence
- 2014 – Keep America Beautiful 1st Place National Affiliate Award
- 2014 - Keep America Beautiful Innovation Award in Recycling/Waste Reduction for Mobile Education on the Go Classroom
- 2013 - Keep America Beautiful 2nd Place National Affiliate Award
- 2012 - Keep America Beautiful Affiliate Distinguished Service Award
- 2006 – Keep America Beautiful Affiliate of the Year
- 2005 – 25th Anniversary
- 2003 – Keep America Beautiful Affiliate of the Year
- 2000 – Keep KINGSPORT Beautiful name change
- 1989-2007 – Chipping of the Green
- 1986 – Tree Fund
- 1984 – Trashbusters Program Started
- 1980 – Clean Kingsport Formed
Keep Kingsport Beautiful
400 Clinchfield St. Suite 100 Kingsport, TN 37660Sharon Hayes, Director
http://www.facebook/keepkingsportbeautiful.comThe Keep Kingsport Beautiful Tree Fund is sponsored by Hamlett-Dobson Funeral Homes. The Tree Fund provides a way for you to make a living tribute in remembrance of a loved one, friend, or special individual. Contributions to the Tree Fund can be made in any amount and will be combined with other contributions to purchase trees to be planted on public lands in the Kingsport area. Tree plantings are held twice a year – in the spring and in the fall. Make contribution checks payable to Keep Kingsport Beautiful. Please include the name of the person being remembered, and the name of the individuals to receive the personal notification of the contribution, including their mailing address. Please also include your name and contact information. Mail contributions to: Keep Kingsport Beautiful/400 Clinchfield Street, Suite 100, Kingsport, TN 37660.
Each year from May to September, Keep Kingsport Beautiful and Boehm Landscape, Inc. strive to recognize properties which set positive examples for beautification and cleanliness. Keep Kingsport Beautiful has divided the city into different territories and has a volunteer for each of these areas to pick a winning property each month that exemplifies the following qualities: litter-free, well-maintained buildings, well-groomed, good example in neighborhood.
To nominate a home, business or church in the Kingsport area, e-mail the address and directions to the property to shayes@kingsportchamber.org or call 423-392-8814.
Supporters of Keep KINGSPORT Beautiful may help to ensure our success by providing monetary donations to support our initiatives and by volunteering to participate in our various activities and programs by joining the Clean Team.
To become a member/sponsor, simply click here and print the form. Then, mail the completed form along with a check for the appropriate sponsorship level (as outlined in the form).
You may also make a donation of any amount by mailing a check to the address listed on the membership form.
Kingsport Door Prints:
Keep Kingsport Beautiful offers these Kingsport Door prints for sale! Doors featured are from area churches, schools, business and historical sites. Prints may be purchased at The Gift Shop at the Kingsport Chamber for $25 each.
Great American Cleanup litter pickups
Green & Growing Seminars
Beautification Awards sponsored by Boehm Landscape, Inc.
Tree Fund sponsored by Hamlett-Dobson Funeral Homes
Trashbarrel Paint-In – sponsored by Domtar
Trashbusters – sponsored by Domtar Packaging
Conservation Camp – sponsored by Republic Services
America Recycles Day
Saturday in the Gardens (no sponsor)
City of Kingsport Recycling:
http://publicworks.kingsporttn.gov/streets-sanitation/recycling-collectionCity of Kingsport Garbage Collection:
http://publicworks.kingsporttn.gov/streets-sanitation/garbage-collectionCity of Kingsport Brush and Trash Collection:
http://publicworks.kingsporttn.gov/streets-sanitation/brush-trash-collectionCity of Kingsport Landfill:
http://publicworks.kingsporttn.gov/streets-sanitation/landfillCity of Kingsport Stormwater Utility:
City of Kingsport Code Enforcement:
http://kingsporttn.gov/?q=code-violationSullivan County Solid Waste Management:
http://www.sullivancountytn.gov/node/34Keep TN Beautiful:
http://www.keeptnbeautiful.org/Keep America Beautiful:
http://www.kab.org/Tennessee Environmental Conference:
Clean Team Membership Campaign
Keep Kingsport Beautiful is kicking off its annual
Clean Team Membership Campaign and we ask
for your support to help us continue our mission to involve the community
in responsible solutions for a clean and beautiful environment.
2024 Annual Membership Levels:
$2,500 Pacesetter
$1,000 Sustainer
$500 Architect
$250 Builder
$100 Contributor
$50 Family
$25 Individual
Keep Kingsport Beautiful is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Your contribution is tax deductible.
Please make checks payable to Keep Kingsport Beautiful or donate online.
All proceeds benefit Keep Kingsport Beautiful programs and projects.